Where We Sow, There We Will Reap
Megyn Kelly, Fox News host
Good food for thought . . .
Where We Sow, There We Will Reap
In viewing lots of “talking heads” on television, I’ve noticed that many influencers-of-public-opinion are women. Because of my strong bent toward motherhood, I always wonder about these women's personal lives. Let me share with you what I discovered as I did a little exploring into one of their lives.
Megyn Kelly, a prominent news and political commentator who hosts The Kelly Files on the Fox News Channel, was honored as one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine in 2014. Wow! I'd say she's a poster-child for the empowerment-of-women movement. However, we often fail to look below the surface at the price paid for such achievements. At age 43 she has three small children with her second husband. When asked how she balanced her nightly show with raising her kids, she responded with this: “Having a very supportive husband helps a lot.” Another key? A nanny. "I couldn't do it without a nanny, and that's the truth."
Following are quotes from an article posted on several online sites giving us a greater glimpse into her life: Unfortunately, Megyn’s first marriage failed. Her first husband remembers the priest who married them expressing concerns about their relationship. Her husband was a doctor and she, at the time, was a high-powered lawyer. When the priest told her that it was going to be important for her to take care of her husband and home, she replied, “What about him taking care of me?” Her husband is quoted as saying, “I wanted a wife and she wanted a wife—we both needed someone to cook for us, clean for us, and support us.”
Ouch! Those comments make me sad. Society has convinced women that motherhood and homemaking are second-class callings not worthy of their lives, time, and attention. Being a “help-mate” to our husbands is viewed as a demeaning calling from which we need to break free. Our daughters are taught that the most important goal is to pursue their own dreams and callings—even at the expense of husband and children. I am not trying to bad-mouth Megyn Kelly (I pray she will choose a path she will not regret in the end), but her life can serve as a reality- check as we make life decisions based on a Biblical perspective.
The Bible teaches us about the principle of sowing and reaping.
It is well understood that we reap what we sow.
What we often forget is that we also reap where we sow. If we sow into our careers, we will undoubtedly reap there—as exemplified by Megyn's life. Unfortunately, she is dependent on someone else doing a major part of the raising of her children. On her deathbed I doubt she will wish she had won another major award or made even more career advancements. I suspect she will wish she had been more present in the lives of her children. If we want to reap on the home-front, we need to make that the primary place in which we sow.
It is interesting that the woman’s husband in Proverbs 31 received his praise in the city gates—in the public arena. What was the source of her praise? It came from her husband and children. Two different spheres of influence, but two equally important callings. Obviously, she had been present, had faithfully met their needs, and had chosen to sow her life into her home and family.
I share these things to encourage you, dear mother. When you choose to lay down your life to care for your children and support your husband—no matter what the world says—you are doing very important work. Your name may not make the list of the 100 most important people in the world, but I have a strong feeling it will be very high on the list of very important people in heaven.
Your calling is valuable and important! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
PS: Margot James Watson, our 7th grandchild, is celebrating her first birthday with her best bud Wally (a.k.a. Sir Walter Watson.) Lee and Julie, our third oldest daughter, are her awesome parents. Since they live in Charleston, South Carolina, Julie posted a picture-a-day of Margot during her first year of life so we could enjoy her on a daily basis from a distance. Margot is very fertile ground into which Julie is faithfully sowing her life.
Discussion questions:
Describe your thoughts on the price Megyn Kelly has paid in terms of her family for the success she has attained in society.
Based on Scripture, what are your thoughts on being a help-meet to your husband vs. Megyn’s question: What about him taking care of me?
What evidence would you look for that would indicate a woman has focused her efforts on her home and family?
Where do you think a mother’s work falls on the scale of important jobs from a heavenly perspective? Explain.
Prayer focus:
Share your struggles regarding the tension of following your dreams and this season of motherhood. Pray for wisdom, grace, and wise counsel for each woman as she walks this out.
Pray for new grace to be help-meets to your husbands and to know how to walk that out.
With such a lack of affirmation coming from the world, pray for downloads of heavenly affirmation to come from God as you care for your families and homes.